On Sale


Some will call it an "advance", others an "innovation". In truth, it's more of a transformation; a morph from what carbon fiber blank technology was into what it will become. Yes, new materials play a part, but new thinking is the true catalyst. The kind of thinking that gains clarity only with time; thinking that ultimately lets you do in your head what others struggle with on paper. Point Blank fishing rod blanks are the manifestation of such thought. Anglers Resource, the only US distributor for Fuji, would like to introduce a line of fishing rod blanks that hits every expectation dead center. You can't miss when it's Point Blank.

Actual tip top sizes may vary. We recommend ordering a tip top tube that is 0.5 larger in size

Special Order Blanks: will be ordered upon purchase. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery
No returns

Point Blank SKU: PB661LF

$153.99 $100.00
(You save $53.99)

SKU: Blank Weight: Line Weight: Action: PCS: Vendor Sku: Length: Tip: Power: Butt: Lure Weight: Application:
PB661LF 1.41 6-10 Mono • 10-15 Braid Fast 1 PB661LF 6"6" 4.5 Light 13.75 1/32oz to 1/4oz Small plastics, light jigs, unweighted live baits (shrimp) small topwaters, small squarebills
Blank Weight: 1.41
Line Weight: 6-10 Mono • 10-15 Braid
Action: Fast
PCS: 1
Vendor Sku: PB661LF
Length: 6"6"
Tip: 4.5
Power: Light
Butt: 13.75
Lure Weight: 1/32oz to 1/4oz
Application: Small plastics, light jigs, unweighted live baits (shrimp) small topwaters, small squarebills